Can a new blogger earn money from blog and make 5 digit income?
Well,this question "Can a newbie blogger earn money and make 5 figure income from his/her blog" is quite interesting topic to be discussed. First Let me clear your doubts and answer this question, Yes Definitely everyone can earn money and make five figure income from the blog.The only thing that is needed is determination to do blogging and patience. In this post,I'm going to discuss with you all some stuffs related with earning income for a new blogger and how to boost that to five figure income.
Before starting this post, I would like to discuss one common mistake every newbie blogger at beginning of blogging used to do. Every newbie blogging start blogging,write few articles and start thinking they'll earn money within a week from his/her blog but this is a mistake we commit at beginning. Yeah,I also did same mistake but now I realize the importance of patience on blogging to earn money and I'll recommend you all to just do blogging and keep patience. At beginning, I too did not earn $5k in early months myself, I was frustated but any how I continue my blogging carrier and now I'm here with you all sharing my ideas hoping you'll also do progress and earn money from blogging.
Now question comes here "Should I share the 5 steps of making 5 figure amount" with you all. Of course yes but before starting this just promise to keep patience and follow my steps. Many Bloggers teach you the ways to Earn 6-figure in Blogging, after they themselves don't seem to be clear in their debts or earn that much.To be 'Honest' Is the key to Make audience and earn More money online. This will really change your blogging experience and from there you will start making audience, and then some decent Cash.
5 Steps to make 5 figure Income from blogging every month
So,below are some guidance you should follow before starting to earn money. Follow them and I'm damn sure you'll surely start earning very soon . If you can't earn from one source just never lose hope and remember there's a lot of ways you can implement, I know you can use your brain for that !! But I'll mention some key points to earn five figure income. So,lets start....
- Choose a Niche and focus from day one
I’m not just talking about writing down your niche for blog here. Of course, it is important but there is more to stairways to Success. You Should have a straight plan on the way to the goal. If you’ve no plan to make it come through, you’re just wasting time. Stop!! Just dreaming that you had 1,00,000+ monthly visitors and earn 6k$ . Stop Dreaming and start working for it. And the best ways to your goal is to make a possible Plan.
This is the first Step towards Success. It is very vital to your goal as a blogger. If you are reading this article and you’re still waiting for a push any how, again you are wasting time. Once you set a plan , Go for Second step…
- Make a Good Audience
There is Huge part of audience in making a blogger sucess . Even John Chow wouldn’t have succeeded without the support of his audience and email subscribers. Start aiming for people who needs your knowledge. You already have so many internet users everyday. Start getting their attention, you cannot get a huge traffic at beginning but a little to start making money online.
Now if I assume you have a decent audience why not start making them some offers..You can use pay per click Advertisements, Mail-marketing, Affiliate-Marketing, guest-blogging, sponsored posts and all possible mediums of marketing for promotion of blog.
The more audience you make, the more money you will make. I Myself believe that the internet-marketing is game of just numbers. In simple words - The more readers you have more sales you get.
Always remember you should be loyal to your audience. If you even earn little as 100$ per month, tell your audience how you’re making it. Don’t take-off too long for now. Doing this you can build a good connection with your audience. That's means more income.
- Come-up with new Ideas of your own
80% of bloggers started in affiliate marketing and earning some commissions. But, now all these is changed because of new era of blogging. Your audience is not going to trust you much if all you just do is sending affiliate-offer. If you are expert at something, prove it by launching your own-product.
Some bloggers are shy from this, because they think it’s difficult to make a product of your own. If you’re running a blog, people expect a good delivery from side of yours. Push yourself to that limit. John Chow succeeded in blogging because he made “IMJohnChow” & “bloggingwithjohnchow” He is also a co-author of “workfromnohome” with Peng-Joon. I suggest to take a look at it once.
What value product you have for your targeted audience?? Get a answer and go for it......
What value product you have for your targeted audience?? Get a answer and go for it......
- Be a friendly blogger
Always see readers as your friends. No one is going to influence you if you don't behave in a friendly manner. Its said that, “people buy from the person they like, trust and love.” In real life- you trust your friends only and support them and that’s what matters, that you are in equal love. Just don't see them as some random visitor stumbled on your blog by false and no one cares. Care for them.
Find how you get these clicks – if one person has problem that need solution so they will visit your blog, They want you to help them so do it. Before serving your product, make sure that you have friendly & smooth contact with your readers via their e-mail,facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.
Audience is real resource online as a owner of a blog. Make them friend, and you will soon step-up resulting in earning $2000 monthly easily.
Find how you get these clicks – if one person has problem that need solution so they will visit your blog, They want you to help them so do it. Before serving your product, make sure that you have friendly & smooth contact with your readers via their e-mail,facebook, twitter and LinkedIn.
Audience is real resource online as a owner of a blog. Make them friend, and you will soon step-up resulting in earning $2000 monthly easily.
- Source is profit
Smart bloggers give away their sources, sometimes even free because they have know that "success is all collective effort & not just from single man".
If you read Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow Quadrant,- it's said "that the only way you can escape the rat race and jump on the fast track is to either become a owner of a big business, or you should start doing investment''. This book can change your life.
Start investment in sources that save your time and give you profit,by this way you have enough time to explore in other channels or recent era. Buying sources is not a waste of money. On the other hand, it is the best investments you will make while building income system of yours.
Extra Tip: Don't focus on SEO for few months and start building audience then only you can start earning..
Final Words
If you just started blogging and thinking earning 2000$ per month income is like a BIG DEAL to you? I want you to stop thinking like a kid & expand thinking of yours . Always expect some high results and remember you can earn more than any one can . Never lose hope and keep trying some new ideas that can result you to earn money. Now when you get a decent audience and start earning, you can now start some SEO/SEM/Tricks to Move to next level..
We will post some of our resources, if we get a good reaction from audience on this post. Leave a comment below. Share your comment and I’d help you!!! Happy Earning !!!
We will post some of our resources, if we get a good reaction from audience on this post. Leave a comment below. Share your comment and I’d help you!!! Happy Earning !!!
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