How To Get Unlimited Google Plus Votes To Your Blog Post?
Hello mates,Today I'm here with this simple trick to get unlimited Google plus votes to your blog post. Yes, you can get real Google plus votes to your blog post link. I've come to know this trick yesterday and have tested the trick and yes it works.I get unlimited Google plus votes to my blog post . So,I thought why not to make you aware about this Google plus trick so have decided to share with all of you so that you can also enjoy unlimited Google plus votes to your blog post.
Using this trick you can also increase your blog SEO and ranking as your site will get more backlinks and Google will show the posts with have more backlinks.That's why increasing Google plus votes on your blog post not only make your site popular on Google plus but also you can get organic traffics and increase your page rank. So,why not to follow this trick and get more Google plus votes on your blog posts.
How to get more Google plus votes on my blog post?
So,are you curious to learn and get more Google plus votes on your blog post. Then don't worry simply follow this steps and you can increase Google plus votes on blogger post easily.
Step 1 : First step to get unlimited Google plus votes on your blog post is to put social sharing widget like share this or add this.Simply search on Google for above widgets and you can get code of your social sharing widget for free. Afterward, install that on your blogger so that you can see proper counting of shares made on each posts through social medias like Facebook, Google plus,twitter, tumblr, stumble-upon and so on.
Step 2 : After you have properly installed social sharing widget then you need to join some big Google plus communities where there are many users. Its the key to get more means unlimited Google plus votes for your blog post. More the number of users on Google plus communities more chance to get Google plus shares.So,try to join some really big Google plus communities. Also,try to find the google plus communities related to your blog niche. Here are some really big google plus communities from where you can get unlimited google plus votes on your blog post.
Some Big Google Plus Communities I recommend you all to join to get unlimited Google plus votes to your blog post
Famous Quotes
True Love
Science on G+
Hacker News
Jokes of the Day
Try to join about 15-30 such big Google plus communities
Step 3: Here comes the tricky part to get unlimited Google plus votes to your blog post. Now after you've joined above communities go and make the post. Click on Upload image and Choose some image related to communities . ( Note : You can get related images on Google. Just go and Search on Google like Famous Quotes and Click on Image and Save that image and now upload the image to Google Plus. ) After you've done that put your link on the description and click on share . That's it. You can see demo on below image on how to do that.
![]() |
Example on How to make post to get unlimited Google Plus Votes on Blog Posts |
You can check the sharing of this post to see proof of the trick
How this Google plus trick works?
You might be surprise on how this will increase your Google plus votes on your blog post right. No need to be surprised any more now as I'm going to tell you the reason behind this. Google Plus Shares on your picture gives Google plus shares on your link too.That means when your picture gets +1 vote then your link also gets +1 vote as link is associated on your picture. That's the main reason to get unlimited Google Plus Votes To your Blog Post.
Final Words
Hope you enjoyed the article on how to get more Google Plus Votes on your blog post. Using this trick you can now get good back-links for your website. This will consequently help you grow your blogger. So, If you've got any kind of problem related to this trick to get unlimited Google Plus Votes To your Blog post then simple comment below. Thanks and Have a Good Day !!
Source of the Trick : Iftiseo Team
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